50% Reduction in Water & Energy Costs and 95% of Wash Processes Chlorine Free

50% Reduction in Water & Energy Costs and 95% of Wash Processes Chlorine Free

The Business

The only "state of the art" commercial laundry in Bahrain, washing 10 tons a day, primarily for the top hospitality customers in Bahrain.

The problem

The customer was using old chemical processes to wash the linen using high temperatures and aggressive chemicals that included lots of chorine. These processes were damaging the linen, shortening fabric life dramatically and severely affecting the whiteness.

Additionally, water and energy consumption were twice or 3 times higher than the standard.


The solution

Laundry Guard Division introduced their wash process module for the washer-extractors.

Wash process, includes a full range of economical wash processes that assure significant total savings (water, energy and productivity) with added simplicity while keeping an excellent washing performance. The successful concept is based on a combination of innovative process design, a newly developed chemical product portfolio, optional equipment and a professional analysis by experts.


The Result

As a result of the introduction of Compact ONE, we have helped the customer to.

  • Reduce water and energy consumption by 50%.
  • Make 95% of the washing processes chlorine free, thereby reducing chemical damages to fabric.
  • Implement lower temperature wash processes, thereby reducing energy costs.
  • Reduce Rejects & Rewash, thereby saving time, labor, water & energy.
  • Increase white fabric "whiteness".
  • Increase fabric life.

Since the plant started using OC-300 they have not received 1 complaint form neighbours or staff.

  Rezaroma diffusions systems were installed at key points in Public areas. A subtle high quality invigorating fragrance with malodor elimination properties was selected and a trial was conducted in several branches over the course of a month



Contact us

With unparalleled expertise and cutting-edge technology, we partner with customers to deliver world-class results and optimized operations.
Contact us to learn how we can help you.

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